Thursday, July 23, 2015

What Not To Do in London

All of my previous blog posts have been about my favorite aspects of London and why the city is a great place to visit. Although I believe that London is a wonderful place to live and start one's career, there are definitely ways to not act or things to not do before entering the city. I wish I knew what not to do before I left for London for 4 months. It's inevitable that in large cities, such as London, there are going to be many tourists that flood the streets. In the beginning of my study abroad in London, I really didn't know the norms of how people act. For anyone visiting London in the future, these are some ways in which you can avoid being seen as a tourist.

Transport Advice

You will definitely be spotted out as a tourist if you don't read this advice. I've mentioned this before, but I don't think I can stress it enough. You must stand on the left side of the escalator if you want to stand still. The right side of the escalator is for walking up or down. Especially during peak hours of the day when people are rushing to get to work, the locals are very adamant about this rule. There are no signs for this rule anywhere. It's an unspoken rule that has been passed down for generations. Another tidbit would be to walk away from the top of the escalator. Many tourists wait at the top and try to figure out which exit to use. It's much easier if you move to the side and discuss what you want to do in a less busy section. It's also important to note that the Tube is more expensive during peak hours. Try to plan your journey during the middle of the morning. This will allow you to enjoy your traveling instead of getting angry from the busy Tube rides. 

Walking Advice 

It's not a secret that New Yorkers are fast paced in every way possible. The lifestyle in London is very similar to that of New York. People don't like slow walkers. I know it's hard not to walk at a slower speed in a new city because you want to sink everything in that you see. If you see something that you want to stop and stare at, please move into a less crowded area. The locals treat the sidewalk like a street: walk on the side you would drive on. The city of London has very wide sidewalks, making it easy to have some room between people. I found that Londoners don't have very much emotion or like to be close to people. If you act like you know what you're doing, you'll be set! 

Eating Out Advice

The one stereotype about Americans that Europeans are completely spot on about is that we are LOUD people. When we go out to eat, we like to laugh and enjoy our company as loud as we can. London is very different from this. When my friends and I went out to eat in London, we were by far the loudest in all of the pubs. It's very awkward when strangers give you the stink eye because they know that you are American just from the decibel level of your voice. Although listening to live music in a pub in London is so much fun, remember who you are surrounded by. 

Safety Advice 

Even though pick-pocketing is more notorious in eastern Europe, it is still possible that it can happen to you in London. Keep your cell phone, wallet, and any valuable items out of sight when walking the streets of London. When you are at outdoor markets or crowded touristy areas, double check to see that everything is stored safety in your purse or your pockets. One of my flatmates was eating lunch outside on High Street Kensington (one of the more "posh" places in London) and her backpack was sitting at her feet. She looked at the waiter to order her sandwich, and when she looked down, her backpack was stolen. She lost her computer, wallet, and books within 1 minute of looking away. It truly can happen to anyone anywhere.

Although some of this advice may seem obvious, you will find yourself waiting in the middle of a Tube station not knowing where to go and with everyone glaring at you for hogging the escalator entrance. Follow the above advice and you will sail your way through the beautiful city!


  1. Thanks for that list! I remember last year the thing I had trouble with was looking the wrong way before stepping out into the curb (bad!!!)

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